
In Fraser Williamson’s Style

Thursday, October 25, 2012

About Levis Life

Yesterday after morning tea the whole school went to the amphitheatre to meet a special guest. The special guest came out of the staff room .He was Levi from Mitre 10. Levi had huge muscles that were like boulders. He had a mow hawke that was a blackish brownish colour. He had tattoos that were all different shapes and patterns on his arms

.Levi talked about being a sumo wrestler and how he won 6 New Zealand strongest man titles. Then he spoke about what he ate.Levis message was to follow our dreams.

After he spoke we had photographs with him. He also gave us high fives.The most amazing thing he spoke about was he could pull a truck that weighed nine tonnes. I was amazed about what he could do.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jasmine’s Maths

Jasmine present a movie demonstrating a strategy that she has learnt to solve addition and subtraction problems with two- digit numbers using groupings of 10.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Groovy Disco

Groovy Disco

After school on Friday the junior school held a bright coloured disco.

When I arrived there were loads of people and kids dancing and having fun. I saw a box full of prizes. As the disco started I went up to a table and asked how much the glow bracelets , popcorn and lolly mixtures were. I got four glow bracelets and a small lolly mixture. Once I got them I went up on stage and started dancing like crazy. Some of my friends joined in too.

Then two seniors came up on stage and said that all of us will play a game called Musical Statues. I got out in the fourth round. I was a bit disappointed. After a while we started dancing again. The two seniors gave out prizes. I was a bit sad because I did not get a prize.

Then we did another game where four kids would come up and start dancing. At the end of the game the seniors gave out more prizes.  I got a prize it was a zebra from Animal Kingdom.

At the end of the disco I felt exhausted

Recount Assessment

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Brushing My Teeth

Brushing My Teeth

Goal: How to brush your teeth properly

Materials you will need, 

Tooth brush, tooth paste, water.


1.Put toothpaste on the bristles of your tooth brush.

2.Put the bristles of your tooth brush under cold running water.

3.Scrub your teeth with your tooth brush around in little circles

4.Spit toothpaste in your mouth into the basin and wash down the plug hole.

5.Turn on the water again and wash the toothpaste off your tooth brush under the cold running water.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Crusders Came to School

On a windy Monday afternoon four Crusaders players came to our school to teach us some rugby skills. Firstly,as a warm up we played Ball tag. Then we all got into two girl lines and two boy lines.

After that the first game was really fun because the person at the front of the line had to get a ball and go over and under until the last person got it.Next the person had to run around a yellow cone and come back to the line.

The second game was really fun as well.We had to keep our legs wide so that the ball could roll through them. If the ball stopped you had to give it a little flick with your hands. I saw my mummy.

Then the juniors went over to the lunch eating area and got some flags and caps. We got them signed,It was an awesome day!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Character Description.

I rowed onto the rocky beach.

When suddenly I heard a scary screeching noise. Just then the ground started to shake. A huge hairy monster came out of the forest and said, “  I’m  so hungry I want to eat you up”.

It had razor sharp teeth made of metal. It’s breath smelt like the flesh blood and bones. It’s eyes were gleaming yellow. It had four hands with boxing gloves on them and four legs.

Friday, May 11, 2012


As a part of our Narrative unit we are trying to improve our descriptive writing. Our goal is to improve our descriptive language to help the reader understand the setting

I was traveling through the  deep dark forest when a castle in the distance. The castle had a large creaky door. Looked up at the window. The window had cracks in it. The flag was ripped and was on its slide. The bricks were cracked and moldy. The chimney was cracked and blew out dirty yellow smoke. 

The draw bridge was cracked. The moat was over flowing.....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Jasmine’s Maths group have been learning to make whole tens when adding to solve a maths problem. Jasmine demonstrates what she has learnt in her movie.